
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Know about Types of Club Drugs

Club drugs concern different variety of drugs and these are used at bars, dance clubs, and all night dance parties by young people. In clandestine location these parties are conducted with high tech entertainment, high-volume music. There are different drugs are there such as:

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or Ecstasy:

Generally MDMA is taken in the form of capsule or tablet. Approximately, ti is effective for 3 to 6 hours, by sleep problems, depression, and anxiety these have been reported for days to weeks. Increase in heart rate and blood pressure as a result of drug. Increase in body temperature can be caused by MDMA. Hyperthermia can cause to kidney, cardiovascular, lever failure.

Gamma-hydroxy butyrate (GHB):
It can be produced in the form of white powder, liquid, capsule, tablet forms and it is used in the combination with alcohol it has more adverse effects . GHB is used in overdoses, poisonings, fatalities and drug facilitated sexual assaults. When night clubs and raves are attended then Young adults and adolescents use this drug. Generally for its intoxication or for growth hormone releasing effects, this GHB is abused.

It is an anesthetic which is used in the form of injection, snort, smoke. Today 90 percent of the ketamine is sold and is used for veterinary use. Katemine is smoked or snorted with tobacco or marijuana products in form of liquid or white powder. From ketamine low dose intoxication can harm learning ability, attention, and memory. Delirium, impaired motor function, amnesia, depression, high blood pressure, and problems of fatal respiratory.

It is the type of drugs and in United States,it is not approved for prescription use. But in many it is used as a treatment for insomnia, as a presurgery anesthetic and as a sedative. In carbonated beverages it melts easily, and it is odorless and tasteless. Rohypnol uses with alcohol it causes effects of sedative and toxic. Rohypnol can harm for 8 to 12 hours even with out alcohol.

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