
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tips to Use Electric Heaters in a Tent

The campers while touring have to face low temperatures in the camps, but now a days there are large number of heating appliances available for the campers. One of such appliance is Electric heater, which do not require burning of propane. Electric Heater is an appliance that converts electrical energy in to heat and electrical resistor is the heating element in the electric heater which does this conversion.

Tips to be followed in a tent while using an electrical heater are:
  • The electrical heater needs two feet distance open space in front of it to prevent fire accidents, melting of the objects. So the area around it should be cleared and the instructions given in the manual should be followed carefully to avoid accidents.

  • While sleeping, place the electric heater in such a place where it will not be bumped during the night time. The size of the tent also depends on the amount of space required by the heater and purchase a tent according to the space required by the heater.

  • Place the heater on the raised platform and fasten the heater to the platform by wrapping duct tape around the heater and the platform several times. This technique can cause the structure to topple, so ensure that the base is properly weighted.

  • Plug the heater in the sachet of electrical source and see that the cables are clearly visible, wrap the plugs in duct tape to prevent any water from shorting the connection. Before turning the heater on, check the cords for any tearing, holes, or cracking.
The above are the tips to be followed while using a electric heater in the tent.

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