
Monday, January 11, 2010

Few Interesting Facts Of Yoga

Yoga is supposed to be made of eight limbs. They are the asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), yamas (restraints), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), niyamas (observances) and samadhi (absorption). Of these asanas are widely used by people in practicing yoga.

  • Yoga is being performed in USA since late 19th century but it acquired popularity around 1960s.
  • A survey carried out in 2003 revealed that 15.8 million Americans practice Yoga.
  • It also showed that, the percentage of people practicing Yoga increased on an average of 20-25% every year.
  • Yoga is not a new technique, it is thousands of years old.
  • Yoga is not a religion, but is leads anyone to spiritual and physical self-realization.
  • Yoga helps in relieving pain of chronic conditions.
  • Yoga helps in uniting the body, mind, and spirit into a stabilized state.
  • Yoga helps in preventing osteoporosis (disorder in bones).
  • Yogic breathing helps in expansion of lungs.
  • Yoga reduces anxiety and depression well than the anti-depressant drugs.
  • People who practice Yoga are supposed to live longer than people who don’t do.

1 comment:

yati said...

True, yoga is not 'a' religion. It is, however, the progressive religious/spiritual disciplines of a specific religion, i.e, Hinduism and its sects. Just as Mass, Communion, Baptism are not 'a' religion. They are part of a specific religion and most logicol people will not confuse them with generalities...worship services, wine tasting and swimming.