In case of car insurance, it is very difficult to say it applies particularly to specified situations. The car insurance companies consider so many things to process the insurance claim. Those are like situation, individual insurer etc. The following is a general process by most of the companies in the claim process.
- After accident: Assume that you met car accident, with your auto claim you would be contact your carrier. For some carriers, you need to do online and for some through the pone. A few of them giving the option to chose either of the mode. The insurance companies ask for some or most of the common information. This includes policy report number, name of the police department involved, accident occurred description, location of the accident, accident date and policy number. In case of other parties are involved in the accident, you need to provide the information including name, license plate, address and insurance information.
- Filling your claim: After you report to your insurance company, they will call you. During this call they will determine what happened in the accident, knowing about the injuries, matching the person to their policy, some demographic information and extent of damage to the vehicles involved in the accident.
- Investigation phase: After you filled your claim, the company will assign you a representative or claims adjustor. That person will determine whether policy will cover your claim or not. If it covers he will ask further details, otherwise they will tell. You may asked to submit some copies of the documents such as police report. When the insurer feels some additional information is required, they may interview the witnesses. Your insurer sends inspector(s) to evaluate the vehicle condition and to provide the estimates of the repair. Or they may ask approved shops to visit, but you have a right to choose the shop. But if they charge more than the insurer expected, you have to pay the rest of the amount to the insurer.
- Repairing: After your car is sent to the shop for repairs they will start doing this. You can do it during this time is waiting for the communication as your car is ready. But remember you have to pay the amount that you deducted. It is not the matter that in which shop you had given for repairs.
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