Teenage auto drivers are in first position in auto accident than any other age group. Auto accidents are taking the more lives of the teen drivers than any other cause like drugs, alcohol and suicide. In fact the number of deaths are more with teen drivers accidents when compared to the total of drugs, alcohol and suicide. The following are some tips for teen drivers:
- Don't use cell phone while driving: Multiple studies are indicated that the usage of phone while driving is almost equivalent to drunken driving. Even this is a hands free phone also. Some people used to text while driving, it will completely turn the attention on the phone. While sending a text message have to down the head and it will lose the contact with driving and can happen anything even at red signal also. Using the cellphone is not only in teen drivers, in all the ages people it is high and causing incidents. So better to do not use cell phone while driving.
- Speed limit: Almost 40% of the auto accidents by teens are caused by speed driving. It is not good especially when in heavy traffic and strange places. Obey the speed limits for safety.
- Defensive driving: Practice the defensive driving. Keep at-least one car distance while driving slowly and larger buffer zones while driving faster. Always aware of traffic and choose the best possible roots.
- Wear seat belt: Seat belts are protecting many lives from its invention. These will help to do not injure seriously. Seat belts are most recommended safety equipment by many experts.
- Follow driving rules and signs: Must aware of driving rules and road signs while driving. These will help to prevent from many incidents and to properly reach destination. The rule are like speeding, reckless driving, improper passing etc.
- Avoid distractions: Eating, Drinking, Flip around the radio etc are tempts the teens while driving. These will cause to loose the attention on driving. Even a few seconds are enough to lose the control of vehicle and to cause any incident. So minimize the distractions while driving.
- Don't drink and drive: Alcoholic effects will not immediately come down once they injected into blood, until the blood it self purify the alcohol in the body. As much you drunk that much the accident will cause. So never drive when drunk.
- Limit the teen passengers: limit the number of teen passengers with you. The studies are revealed that the incidents are higher when the teen passengers are higher than the single passenger.
- Be prepared: When you are planed to go for long trips, be prepare with emergency kit like flash light, first aid kit, jumper cables etc.
- Do not drive with sleepy and late nights.
- Do not drive under the influence of drugs.
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